PhoenicianDream's Journal

PhoenicianDream's Journal


Honor: 53    [ Give / Take ]


66 entries this month


22:27 May 31 2011
Times Read: 1,151

Alright bizzles.. I give. That little turd is funny when you can watch him. The stills are still super fuckin' creepy though. hahaha



23:24 May 31 2011

Seeeee! He's a rockin' lil dude!

00:15 Jun 01 2011

He's my hero. ♥


22:03 May 31 2011
Times Read: 1,152

Aren't you just glad I also have a craptop? hahaha

The rainbow dancers remind me of Drew and Buttseeks homoeroticism. I mean.. who said that 0.o?





18:09 May 31 2011
Times Read: 1,167

I wish I could embed this, but I don't have the option on my cell.

I think its funny. You might too.

Watch it Requiem... you know you want to. Lol



19:35 May 31 2011

I so owe you gyrating, thrusting Hoff pictures.

I do.

I always pay my debts.


pondering during morning java

16:58 May 31 2011
Times Read: 1,157

Me thinks.. that the world may be a much quieter or happier place, if only those who offer neither insight nor effort, toward the resolution of a problem... simply remained silent about said issue.

Just a thought.




15:31 May 31 2011
Times Read: 1,166

I'm SO excited.

Tomorrow night I will indulge in six, yes SIX hours of operatic splendor! ♥

I think a lady I work with and her husband will be going too, so I wont be completely alone. Not that I would mind if I were. I'm sure I'll be lost in the screen, and the magic of it all.

If you like the opera you should check it out! It makes me a little sad to know I wont be able to go see them all, but I will try my best to get as many of them in as I can.

Die Walküre looks like it will be great. I can't WAIT! :D



16:37 May 31 2011

Wagner is my ♥!!

You are going to enjoy it SO much. That is actually the one I started my goddaughter Raven on when she was 4. She LOVES opera and the stories they tell.

I am so excited for you, and envious that I can't be there to see your face as you enjoy the production. =)

16:48 May 31 2011

Are you going to go too? They said it will be showing at 630 pm in every time zone.


03:06 May 31 2011
Times Read: 1,195


Your avatars are creeping me out!!!




03:09 May 31 2011

No kidding. I keep feeling like I'm being scolded by an Oompa-Loompa.

03:11 May 31 2011

You no like? :(

03:11 May 31 2011

I feel like a damn short bus driver.

03:16 May 31 2011

But from there, break windows, soft light, what?

03:20 May 31 2011


04:59 May 31 2011

I woke up to all three of them on my last ten.

I swear I thought it Cancer playing a prank on them.

Then I was thoroughly confused.

Now I am as equally creeped out, as you.


05:42 May 31 2011

Right?? Very disturbing to say the lease.


06:46 May 31 2011

LOL me too!

14:35 May 31 2011

When they looked at my journal yesterday I couldn't tell which one was which. At first I thought it was a Cancer prank as well, then I saw all three. I figured from that point it wasn't.

15:45 May 31 2011

You think it's sexy don'tcha? Admit it!


03:03 May 30 2011
Times Read: 1,221

Being 5'6" I like to think of myself as being average height for a female. (Even if I am at the short end of average.) Well, I went outside to park a truck last night and it was HUGE. Some man (yes.. only a man would do this, well, possibly a lumberjane but somehow I doubt it) had lifted this nissan truck so high that the top of the bed was level with top of my head. There was nothing for me to step on to get into it either. Thanks, asshole. It was one foot all the way up to hip level, and grab on to the bar that I can only assume was placed there in the event a midget had to actually drive this vehicle. I managed to get up into it, and in only one try. I'm so glad I didn't wear a skirt last night. =/ I have to hike them up to get into the big trucks and hummers, I would have had to pull my skirt up to my ass to get into that truck.

What is the appeal in having a truck that high?



03:06 May 30 2011

Maybe they are compensating for something they lack in size?


03:14 May 30 2011

Yeah, I was going to say... you know when he climbs in it, his penis doesn't get in the way...

05:37 May 30 2011

I don't get it...it looks really dumb...and 5'6" is actually a little above average for women.

(I'm 5'7" and I shrunk an inch - boo hoo)

05:58 May 30 2011

Dude. I'd have to pole vault into that fucker.


08:57 May 29 2011
Times Read: 1,243

I've started singing in the shower again. (I wonder why.) I'm sure my neighbors can hear me, but I don't care. I probably sound like a banshee. Hahaha



14:11 May 29 2011

LOL! I can hear ya from here :P

19:45 May 29 2011

Hah! 90% of the people masturbate in the shower, the other 10% sing. You now know what they sing. :P

20:49 May 29 2011

I Made The Attempt To Try Billy Ocean in The Shower....Muh voice isn't deep enough though LoL :)

22:10 May 29 2011

...I don't sing. I guess I'm part of that 90%...

02:43 May 30 2011

Hahahaaa It's so true because I don't diddle in the shower.

03:07 May 30 2011

... you just need a better shower nozzle, then.


04:46 May 30 2011

HHahaha thanks ducky.

I'd much rather fuck in the shower than play with a shower head.


00:33 May 29 2011
Times Read: 1,264

So sad. =(



00:46 May 29 2011


Sad is right.

00:47 May 29 2011

I saw that this morning and couldn't help but cry at the poignant display of love and heroism.

07:45 May 29 2011


What a great guy.

18:10 May 29 2011

Yes that is very sad. And also goes to show that there are still decent caring people out there who will do what ever it takes to protect those that they love.


00:12 May 29 2011
Times Read: 1,266

My 13 hours last night turned into 14.5 courtesy of my boss oversleeping and not waking up until she was actually supposed to be at work. Combined with the person who worked last night botching something that created an extra hour of paperwork for me.

I've been dreaming about work during the sleep I've been getting. I think I'm spending too much time there. Lol

I want to say I'm going to have a fat check here in a couple of weeks, but I have a feeling uncle Sam is going to bend me over. Gotta love governmental incest. Thanks for not bringing lube, or buying me dinner when you rape my check uncle Sammy. :p

.!.. ..!.

Mom dinner. I think I'll go back to sleep daydreaming about sushi. =)



00:53 May 29 2011

mmm.. sushi.

I've been craving it for quite so time. Yummy.

03:09 May 29 2011

That was supposed to say mmm dinner not mom dinner. Lmao



07:11 May 28 2011
Times Read: 1,280

Holy sheep shit.

Four hours of sleep is not enough for a thirteen hour shift.



07:22 May 28 2011

And here I was, wondering what to do with this chloroform rag...

08:07 May 28 2011

Bring it on! PD needs a nap. ;)


16:36 May 27 2011
Times Read: 1,331

Uh.. yeah a VR policy that doesn't make sense to me. I'm fine with the not showing nips on this site 'cause I know it would get UGLY (understatement) fast. But why the fuck when I clicked on an advertisement on the VR man page did it take me here?

We're a site that also caters to minors... the advertising should as well. That's what I think anyway.



16:37 May 27 2011


16:38 May 27 2011

Nope. My firewall blocks that site as a known source of spyware...

I love my firewall.

16:42 May 27 2011

It's an amateur porn site.

17:31 May 27 2011

You question the Genius of our prince? @.@ lol

18:29 May 27 2011

Oh wow.... That was just... Nasty... The least they could do is put some good looking women up there. -_-

19:51 May 27 2011

I say you give Cancer a spanking.

Fuck that. Spankings for everyone. ;)

20:00 May 27 2011

And after the spankings, the oral se-

23:02 May 27 2011

I've mentioned inappropriate ads to the Big Cheese in the past without success. It's not what you want to see appear on your work firewall!

22:16 May 29 2011

Yeah...that is pretty gross. And easily accessed by the minors here. A big UH OH! We made a mistake?


08:23 May 27 2011
Times Read: 1,336


Yet another reason why I'd rather wear tights with my skirt suits at work, than the panty hose I'm wearing now.

I can see my birthmark, and my scar where my sibling stabbed me in the leg with a pencil trough the pantyhose. Blah.



19:51 May 27 2011

It makes you so beautifully you. ♥

I assure you, there is nothing better.


02:28 May 27 2011
Times Read: 1,349

"Take thy beak from out my heart, and take thy form from off my door!"

~Edgar Allan Poe





23:24 May 26 2011
Times Read: 1,370

I learned something new about the penis last night. From the least expected source.. my butch lesbian security guard. O_o Who would have thought she would have known something that myself, and even my male coworker didn't know.

It spurred from a comment my friend made a few years ago that I thought was hilarious. She said, 'I don't like uncircumsized dicks. They smell funny.' So I get this image in my head of her going around sniffing peckers. O.O

I relay that comment to my coworkers last night, and my lesbian buddy starts talking about the smell coming from the white 'gunk' that guys get stuck in their foreskins when they're not circumsized. Having never heard of this before, both they guy and I thought she was having a go at us. I started jokingly calling it dick cheese. She was very adamant that it actually existed, but she couldn't remember what it was really called, and went out for a smoke. I figured that if the guy who actually HAS a dick doesn't know what she's talking about, maybe it's not true. -.- We all know what happens when one assumes.

She blows back through the office door and bursts out with 'It's called SMEGMA!' O_o What do I do? The same thing I always do when I want to find out what something is... I wikipedia'd smegma. Holy. Fucking. Shit. Pictures and all. My stomach lurched. I'll be damned if the muff diver didn't know more about peckers than us. Well, uncircumsized ones anyway. The very few penises that I've come into personal contact with have all been circumsized. For some odd reason I'm a little grateful for that now.

I had to throw my dinner away. They put a stinky cheese on top of my vegetable linguine. I wouldn't have been able to eat it thinking 'stinky cheese, stinky cheese, dick cheese, dick cheese, SMEGMA' going through my head. I ended up foraging some cereal when my stomach calmed down.

Feel free to discuss the dick cheese peeps. O.o



23:30 May 26 2011

*rat runs from that cheese talk*

23:33 May 26 2011

I could have told you all that.

Hahhh. Foul. :p

00:56 May 27 2011

OHMYGAWD!! I needed that laugh....... O.O


02:54 May 27 2011

Want a grilled smegma sandwich?

hahahahahaha *barf*

12:22 May 27 2011

So much for breakfast this morning, its ok i really dindt want the bacon egg and Cheese anyways lol

16:39 May 27 2011

eew. hehehe. eew. hehehe. eew.

22:19 May 29 2011

Eeew! LMAO...and won't be eating any cheese anytime soon.


08:27 May 26 2011
Times Read: 1,381

Another one bites the dust.

My best friend of 24 years is getting married next spring, well at least she's shooting for spring. I'm so happy for her. She finally found a guy who isn't a total piece of shit. =) I swear the last one needs to die a very slow agonizing death.

What does this mean to me? Lot's of planning. Unfortunately from another state. It also means I have about a year to get in shape. So I can stuff my ass in what is hopefully some not so gawd awful dress. Please no fugly taffeta dress, pleeeease!

Hopefully she will have good taste, or can be easily persuaded.



09:24 May 26 2011

YaY! ♥



04:15 May 26 2011
Times Read: 1,393

I have an idea for a coven. I've never really was interested in having one prior to now. I entertained the idea of a monstrosity of a coven sometime in the last year, but I let that idea go. I shared it with WC. Maybe if he's ever active again he'll pick up where I left off with that one.

This latest idea of mine isn't for me, but for some people I love. Not very many people at all would be allowed in. There's reasoning behind it. We'll see if I can develop this one, and if the people it is intended for bite.

The down side. I'll have to do the second account thing in order to visit my peeps in other societies. Damn. It's taken me 5 years to sire this bizzle. If it pans out the way I'm hoping, it will be well worth it though.



04:25 May 26 2011

Tell the bearded bastard to get his ass back on here. XD

08:07 May 26 2011

Jumps up and down can i come and and play in the PD coven of the Snake Goddess =}~


If at first one doesn't succeed...

16:31 May 25 2011
Times Read: 1,411

It's time for me to try again.

We shall see if I get better results this time.



16:56 May 25 2011

Good luck!


home sick

22:35 May 24 2011
Times Read: 1,427

Jackass, hardass, badass, bitch, elitist, goofball, screwball, asshole...

..all words that have been used to describe me lately. Do I mind? No. People will label me how they want. I am what I am. I bleed just the same as anyone else. I have no shame in admitting this.

It hurts to know I wont be moving back home. I find it way to enjoyable to be able to go outdoors during the day, and not worry about the heat making me sick. It's nice not worrying about how many times this year I'll get bronchitis from living in one of the most polluted cities in the country.

Days like today, it hits closer to home that I can't be near all of the friends I made back home. I don't have a lot of friends per se, but what I lack in numbers I make up in quality. The friends I do have, we've been through a lot together. I wonder if I will ever find friends here like I have back home. I doubt I will, working the hours that I do. Only the coyotes and bunnies are out when I am. I got pretty close to one person, but she moved out of state. People come, people go. In and out of our lives all of the time.

For now, I'll have to stick with listening to my friends audio blog, and try not to tear up. See I bleed like you. Just for different reasons I'm sure.



16:57 May 25 2011

Does this bleeding occur monthly? If so, they have things to help with that lol

Seriously, though. Buttseeks is local. And he loves both food and coffee. Just sayin :)

02:41 May 27 2011

Is seeks offering you buttsecks?


18:11 May 27 2011

O.o I hope buttseeks isn't thinking about buttsecks.. surprise or not.

Good thing he doesn't know where I live. I'd have to sleep sportin' a manhole cover. =o

18:12 May 27 2011

Plus Drew may get jealous and hunt me down for a fight. Lol


21:54 May 24 2011
Times Read: 1,434

I'm not looking forward to several aspects of my near future.

What if things don't pan out how one would hope? Does it make the sacrifice for nothing? The personal consequences would be befitting given the choice. To be wrong would be a tragedy. To be right would be fulfilling. At least that's the hope. Is the risk of choosing incorrectly, better than not choosing at all? To live ones life not knowing? Probably. Or one might live life with regret, wondering what might have been.

Perhaps I worry too much about this. Being selfish is not in my nature. I don't even know where to begin.

I need to figure out what I'm going to do to occupy my time. I guess work would be a good start. If nothing else it would generate more income. That's never really a bad thing is it?




Just sayin'

21:28 May 24 2011
Times Read: 1,438

Deity needs to write a cuban cook book.



21:45 May 24 2011

Agreed. I say we do a petition.

Or tie her up until she does it.

21:54 May 24 2011

You get the rope..

I'll warm up my spanking hand! X-D

16:48 May 25 2011

She could include a set of knives with which one might be able to cut a bitch lol

Guy Fieri's got nuthin on that :p

17:24 May 25 2011

Lol and maybe an inflatable life raft, in the event of accidental deportation back to Cuba.

00:22 May 27 2011

Whoa. I missed this entry. LOL!

I will send you my Fricase de Pollo recipe.

Fuck it. I'll go to Denver and personally cook for you. ♥

18:15 May 27 2011

Now you're talking hot stuff!! ;)


18:01 May 24 2011
Times Read: 1,447

Max Factor I think I love you. ♥

I put my lip color on at 6 pm yesterday and it was still there at 10 am today. Despite drinking a handful of drinks, eating twice, and probably rubbing my face all over my pillow while I slept.

I wonder how it holds up to fellatio.



18:23 May 24 2011

Now I know what to add to my wishlist for makeup! : ) Thanks, PD!


09:34 May 24 2011
Times Read: 1,459

I've been drinking, Oh boy, I'm going to feel like crap when I wake up. It's not because of the half a dozen long islands, and one crappy Mai Thai (sp?).

It's because whenever I go drinking with Ms. JJ we end up hitting the only drive thru open on the way home.





22:04 May 24 2011

Next time bring a cooler with you, stop someplace you like for food, put it in the cooler, and later you won't need to stop at Crapdonalds. Just heat (if necessary) the food you bought earlier.


00:05 May 24 2011
Times Read: 1,470

I'm considering getting a second job again. (Trust me, I really DON'T want to.)

I just don't know how else I can come up with $4,000 for dental work. (Yes, that is after my insurance.)



00:35 May 24 2011


20:40 May 24 2011

It's all good. It is what it is.


20:31 May 23 2011
Times Read: 1,483

I MUST acquire this book!




Apple Streusel Coffee Cake

20:17 May 23 2011
Times Read: 1,487


It's not too shabby. The vanilla rum icing is optional of course.

I'm going to tweak the recipe even more the next time I make one. I want more apples in it.

Streusel, streussel... I never know how to spell it.



20:35 May 23 2011

Streusel (with one 'S'). That looks yummy!

00:35 May 24 2011

Thanks for making my mouth water.

Wow. That looks amazing.

15:19 May 24 2011

So uhh....

Care to share this yummitastical recipe?


17:03 May 24 2011

Do you want the actual recipe, or my tweaked version?

18:23 May 24 2011

OMG my mouth is watering!

01:59 May 25 2011

I am more interested in your tweaked version, but either will do.



18:53 May 23 2011
Times Read: 1,495

Apple streussel coffee cake is in the oven. ♥

I added pecans, and tweaked the recipe a bit. We'll see how it tastes.

I'll have to make on on webcam someday. ;) for now, I may just post a pic for you guys when I'm done.

Time for more cleaning.



19:02 May 23 2011



16:56 May 23 2011
Times Read: 1,510

I'm having an awesome morning.

Sitting here sipping a cappuccino, listening to the birds singing. WC messages me (I slept in and missed him this morning) and tells me we're supposed to have thunderstorms later today. ♥ I know you sun worshipers miss your sun, but rain and lightning suits me better. It would be nice to have both so everyone can be happy. Bright sunny mornings for you star lovers, and stormy afternoons or evenings for my peeps.

Now that I've found an old Carole Lombard movie for background noise, and coffee in my system, I'd best get my day started. Time to start the laundry, clean up the kitchen, then make my apple streussel coffee cake, while that's in the oven, I need to clean stinky shitty litter boxes, and then more laundry, probably a trip to a grocery store or two while I'm at it too.

Fun fun. No lazy days off for me. Maybe if I find some free time, I'll sneak in some hooking while I'm at it. I had a scarf halfway done, and I pulled it all out last night because I changed my mind on the width of it. Lol

Have a wonderful day peeps! ♥



17:45 May 23 2011

LOL Well, if you like fierce weather, Scotland is where it's at right now....Thunder and lightening - very very frightening...

and its the height of our summer almost. Hailstones on Friday that were so huge they hurt like hell. I love it but I also love the sun and that doesn't seem to be anywhere on the horizon.

18:11 May 23 2011

Apple streussel coffee cake? :(

18:43 May 23 2011

Meh - you had me at coffee lol We had huge storms here last night. I love the storms so much raw energy.


fuck you GP!

10:30 May 22 2011
Times Read: 1,523

I'm having such an awesome night at work that I don't know if I'd rather start punching people in the face, or straight kicking them in their dicks/cunts.

I will refrain from violence, and if I'm still wound up when I get home I'll go to the gym downstairs and punish myself.

Fuck you general public.

F U C K ... YOU!




01:23 May 22 2011
Times Read: 1,531

My chest hurts.

I need a friend who is a chiropractor, so they can put my ribs back where they belong.




19:06 May 21 2011
Times Read: 1,538

You silly fuckers, you heard wrong, it's not the rapture today. It's fraptchures (sp?) day! Everybody get to futterwhacken!!!

Yeah, I don't know. Just ignore me today. This is the kind of shit that happens when I don't sleep. @_@



19:14 May 21 2011

Damn, and I was going to suggest we have a three way, just for the Hell of it! ;P

01:25 May 22 2011

Lol who is #3, WC?

I didn't know he was your type. ;p


'what's teabagging?'...

04:57 May 21 2011
Times Read: 1,554

... my coworker asks last night. Hahaha not only did I tell him, I offered to draw him a picture too. He declined my offer for artwork, so I looked it up on wikipedia for him instead. Did you know teabagging has its own wikipedia page? I didn't.

The conversation went down hill from there. Blumpkins were also discussed. I did not bring that topic up either. The mention of the angry dragon however, was my doing. Sick monkeys of a feather, and all that jazz.

This is the same coworker who earlier in the week had no idea what I was talking about when I told him I was in the mood for Italian, and I asked if we should partake in Pavarotti or Bocelli. Hahaha one thing at a time I suppose. If crude humor is what I can get, I'll gladly take it. At least I no longer work with monumental fucktards. I'm so glad those days are over (for now).




dinner/breakfast call it what you want

01:07 May 21 2011
Times Read: 1,573

I checked out Five Guys Burgers and Fries with WC tonight. I wasn't really all that impressed. WC said he liked his burger, though he opted to load his up with more stuff than I did.

I found my bacon cheeseburger, with mushrooms and A1 to be almost dry. The cheese overpowered the A1. Luckily they did not skimp on the mushrooms. Their burger consists of two thinner patties. I think this is where I like Red Robin more. If I'm going to eat a burger, I prefer a thick juicy patty.

The cost of burgers fries and drinks for two people at 5 guys, ends up costing about the same as it does at Red Robin. $25 for two people.

It wasn't bad, but not the best either. It's better than the usual fast food chains, burger king, crapdonalds.. etc. However if I'm going to drop $12 on something as simple as a burger, I'd like to enjoy it a bit more.

Just my $.02



01:17 May 21 2011

re: Five Guys

I know, right? I've tried them twice and -- unless I'm incredibly unlucky enough to get two underwhelming meals from them on two successive occasions -- I was not impressed by the mediocre quality. The fries were good, but overall, I just don't get it.

I can make better burgers at home.

02:22 May 21 2011

Amen to better burgers at home Thoth!

04:43 May 21 2011

We have a Five Guys here as well. We went there a few weeks back. I wasn't that impressed with the burger at all either. But I thought the dirty cut fries were incredible.


01:47 May 20 2011
Times Read: 1,581

I must have the only cat in existance that is part retriever. The damn animal keeps hounding me to play fetch, and will keep hounding until he is finished playing.

Good thing I adore this furry little brat.



03:52 May 20 2011

Contrary to popular belief, cats love to play fetch. All five of mine do.

02:01 May 21 2011

Mine, too! They each have their favorite toy to play fetch WITH, also.


21:03 May 18 2011
Times Read: 1,595

I hope my best friend carries this baby to term. I don't know if she has enough inner strength left to lose another one.

She deserves a shot at happiness.




21:06 May 16 2011
Times Read: 1,607

I don't have any idea what direction I am going. I'm not even sure where I am. I just know where I've been.

I feel lost. It's my own doing. You cant invoke the winds without some form of consequence.

I have no desire to sleep until I'm exhausted. I have no desire to sleep until I'm rested.

I have a million thoughts spinning in my head, and I don't have the ability to grasp any of them at the present time.

I need time. To heal I think. The wound is fresh, yet the knife hasn't been ripped from it yet. There's still plenty of bleeding to be done before healing can begin.



01:15 May 21 2011

Follow your heart -- it's your true north. ♥


17:16 May 16 2011
Times Read: 1,616

I'm going to revamp my journal. There's going to be a lot of shuffling, and I'll have to shuffle comments too. I may lose some.



17:39 May 16 2011

Tis okay. I'll come back and torture you with new ones. ;p

17:48 May 16 2011

Ooo torture! ♥



Oh man

10:02 May 16 2011
Times Read: 1,622

I may have to invest in a tens unit in the future. The muscle next to my spine hurts and is having spasms. *twitch*

I wonder if it's all of the running around in heels that is aggravating it.



12:36 May 16 2011

Quite probably. Heels are evil, even if they ARE hot.

Want some irony? I originally typed "hells are evil" etc. Heh.

14:14 May 16 2011

Hmm.. that reminds me... I haven't been electrocuted on webcam recently...


20:13 May 15 2011
Times Read: 1,647

I don't like sharing things I wright. My daily thoughts are trivial. My writing is a glimpse of my inner workings. I'm not comfortable showing people that. A friends beautiful poetry has inspired me to share a small piece of me. I don't think I've posted this one before. I don't believe I've shared this with more than a couple of people on here. This one has actually been published, so I don't need to worry about plagerism. It wasn't originally repetitive, but it was rewritten to be sung. Share your honest opinions, I can deal with criticism.

Tortured Soul

It's not the hand that hit me, it's not the things you said.

You really fucked me up, you did it through my head.

You beat me with your actions, you scar me with your thoughts.

I wasn't what you wanted, but I was what you got.

Neglected, rejected, by you I've been infected

Poisoned by triviality

Raped by your expressions

And beaten into reality

I hate you, I'll break you

I wish that I could waste you

Drowning in my sadness

I loathe you through and through

To satisfy my madness.

I feel so insignificant, your words molest my soul

I'd love to live without it, but without it I'm not whole.

I laugh out loud, I cry inside,

and because of you I have to hide.

Neglected, rejected, by you I've been infected

Poisoned by triviality

Raped by your expressions

And beaten into reality

I hate you, I'll break you

I wish that I could waste you

Drowning in my sadness

I loathe you through and through

To satisfy my madness.

I feel so deserted, you fill my life with shit.

I knew from the beginning in this "family" I don't fit.

At your funeral I'll be smiling, I know I will not cry

I can't cry when I'm happy, I'll be happy when you die.

Neglected, rejected, by you I've been infected

Poisoned by triviality

Raped by your expressions

And beaten into reality

I hate you, I'll break you

I wish that I could waste you

Drowning in my sadness

I loathe you through and through

To satisfy my madness.



20:26 May 15 2011

Pardon the teenage angst, I wrote that when I was 16.

23:43 May 15 2011

I like it. Shows such feelings, emotions. And that you are a strong woman from it.

00:22 May 16 2011

As the words were consumed and digested, I recalled a time when the same sentiments were felt on a continual basis. It is not often that something like that occurs, so it is a testament to the talent you possess. I hope you will share more of your work with us in the future and allow us to glimpse this creatively inspiring side of yourself :)


18:35 May 15 2011
Times Read: 1,654

I have decided that I'm way, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too fat.

I don't like being a fucking heifer.

I need to start spending 2 hours a day in the gym again.




03:15 May 15 2011
Times Read: 1,668

Going in early, and staying late in the morning. So much for corporates 'no overtime' rule as of late. It would be nice if I didn't have to send an email to my department head explaining every minute of why I was here over 40 this week.

I don't suppose 'this place is a fucking shit show right now' would suffice.





20:27 May 14 2011
Times Read: 1,675

I don't like the way I feel right now.



04:32 May 15 2011

If you need anything, let me know.

Chin up, beautiful. ♥



16:51 May 13 2011
Times Read: 1,696

I need a back rub. My back is hurting quite a bit, and for once it isn't my SI or my sciatic nerve. It's all of the muscles from the middle of my back to my lower back.

I mayhave to take a muscle relaxer to get some sleep today.



17:03 May 13 2011

Were you doing something strenuous ?

Hmmm...? ;)

17:15 May 13 2011


No. =((

23:11 May 13 2011


I hope it feels better soon.


10:44 May 13 2011
Times Read: 1,710

Moonie, you bitch!!! It's ALL YOUR FAULT!


I'm sitting at work bullshitting with the employees, another fun night at work. You have to laugh through the stress or it will eat you alive. I was working while yapping with both of them when one of them pops off with 'flick my bean'. Before I had time to even think about what was about to happen, it flew out of my mouth... just like a goddamn parrot...

I rub my bean back and forth, I rub my bean back and forth.

They are now having random giggle fits and teasing me about it. I will get them back.

I like to quote something every night from a conversation I have with my employees, whether I said it, or they did. It get's pretty amusing sometimes (to me anyway). Tonight's quote of the night is too inappropriate for facebook considering I have a handful of coworkers and bosses on there that wouldn't appreciate it. So lucky for you guys, it gets dumped here.

Quote of the night: 'why does your phone smell like stinky pussy?'




10:49 May 13 2011


15:26 May 13 2011

LOL! I'm in your head back and forth, I'm in your head back and forth.


17:04 May 13 2011

Dude. Could it be because the phone vibrates?


18:27 May 13 2011

Deity took my line. :(

04:28 May 14 2011

Lol no one's phone actually smelled like pussy. It was just a conversation gone wrong. ;)


04:04 May 12 2011
Times Read: 1,723

I took a nap. Mostly because I was having abdominal pain that was doubling me over when I stood up. I think I aggravated the adhesions or clamps when I was stretching yesterday.

I had dreams that started out with the kind of dysfunction and gore you only see in movies like the SAW series. It continued with me being pushed toward a door that scared the he'll out of me (yeah I have no idea why I would be scared of a door). Despite my objections I continued being pushed, and eventually dragged toward the door. I began screaming hysterically and clawing at the wall, removing paint and leaving claw marks. He let me go and was laughing. The dream ended with me saving a puppy that had drown, but rather than dying the pup was reborn.

Yeah I don't know where my head comes up with this shit. I don't know how I can be screaming and hysterical in my dream and remain quiet and still the whole time I'm sleeping. I also at one point in my dream stopped breathing. It reminds me of my last visit home. My friend who stayed over with me at the resort one night told me that I stop breathing in my sleep. I might be creeped out at the fact she watched me sleep, if I didn't know she was an insomniac. Heheh



04:10 May 12 2011

Interesting - well you saved the Pup that was a good thing.


20:36 May 11 2011
Times Read: 1,733

Last night I dreamed of horses.

And an unobtainable freedom. Interesting.




16:00 May 11 2011
Times Read: 1,734

I recently ready Kate Chopin's The Awakening. I enjoyed the story a great deal. I find irony in the fact that the one snippet I opted to quote below while reading it, is the one that later brings the story to a close.

It was unfortunately the first book that I've found time to read this year. I need to make more time in my life for reading. I miss it. Perhaps some day, I'll be inspired to write again as well.




09:52 May 11 2011
Times Read: 1,742

I should be exhausted. I've been up for 24 hours. The weather (among other things) has me wound up. It's cold and raining. I love it. The more I love this weather, the stronger I'm pulled to the northwest where I can enjoy this kind of environment more frequently. It would be a hard move though. My family already misses me so much, and I only get to to see them once a year as it is.

We'll see where my life takes me. Whether it's closer to, or further from home.




08:31 May 11 2011
Times Read: 1,749

That bitch. Putting lyrics in my head. She's going to get me singing before the night is over.

Maybe I'll drown out the urge with other music.



09:02 May 11 2011

Beat her. Want some help? Wait, do I want to know who this is? ;P

09:11 May 11 2011

lol my very sexy coworker...

if you were on my facebook you could see her ;p

I don't think she's into the kink, she probably wouldn't let me spank her.


23:41 May 10 2011
Times Read: 1,761

OMFbelly. Coffee can't be the only thing in there for over 6 hours. I feel like horking.

My eye has been twitching all day. My employees wonder why. The condensed reason: I'm stressed out, and my nerves are shot. Fun, fun.





13:25 May 10 2011
Times Read: 1,770

additional sleep did not happen

Must have coffee.




10:15 May 10 2011
Times Read: 1,773

The problem with going to sleep at eight at night, is that I'm now wide awake at 3 in the morning. X.o

I'm going to shoot for another hour and a half. Hopefully I wont be tormented by my dreams anymore tonight.




22:19 May 09 2011
Times Read: 1,779

The temperature is rising. It's nowhere near the 110+ summers we have back home. But as I grow more used to the cold, I become more sensitive to the heat. I never have liked the heat.

One of the best parts of the summer is taking nice cold showers. They're so exhilarating. Unfortunately I haven't found a man yet who can tolerate cold showers. Luckily it hasn't gotten warm enough yet to go right from the shower to laying in front of a fan.

I kind of miss the cold.




18:05 May 09 2011
Times Read: 1,792

I miss cooking for my family.

I'm thinking my moms enchilada casserole is in my near future. Maybe some pollo fundito too. Mmmmmm

For now, I look up mahi mahi recipes for tonight.




Note to self:

13:56 May 09 2011
Times Read: 1,801

8 waffles is a bit much for 2 people.

0_o oops. I have extra nice warm home made waffles if anyone wants breakfast.



14:50 May 09 2011

*gets a plate and stands in line* :D

18:06 May 09 2011

One of my peeps from work came over, and I still have half of them left. 0.o

Dig in!

18:14 May 09 2011

I expect a plate of waffles before me ASAP. You have 30 minutes. Go!


07:06 May 09 2011
Times Read: 1,803





05:32 May 07 2011
Times Read: 1,819

The voice of the sea is seductive; never ceasing, whispering, clamoring, murmuring, inviting the soul to wander for a spell in abysses of solitude; to lose itself in mazes of inward contemplation.

The voice of the sea speaks to the soul. The touch of the sea is sensuous, enfolding the body in its soft, close embrace.

~Kate Chopin



13:21 May 07 2011

I love big water ...


02:42 May 07 2011
Times Read: 1,826

All aspects of my life are breaking me down, little by little. I need to change things, but I never learned how to fight for what I want. I have no clue what to do.



02:52 May 07 2011

First thing you have to do is evaluate what makes you happy and get rid of everything that doesn't.

Chin up, beautiful. ♥


tmi o.0?

17:34 May 06 2011
Times Read: 1,832

I guess sometimes I just open my mouth and all kinds of shit flies out. I wasn't feeling well yesterday, so I caffeine loaded about halfway through my shift. Then I started talking. Things kind of went down hill at that point. I started ranting about something, and when I was done I looked over at both of my employees. They were just staring at me with dropped jaws. Apparently they feel I gave them a healthy dose of TMI. Oops?




mmmm Shinedown

09:33 May 06 2011
Times Read: 1,834

I'm having a Shinedown kind of night.




01:18 May 05 2011
Times Read: 1,850

Disappointment is a part of life. I'm no worse off than I was before. I just didn't get what I was shooting for. It was not meant to be I suppose. I have no clue where to go from here.

We'll see what I come up with.



07:01 May 05 2011

ok, now ya know how not to do something...not the end of the world just a bump in the road :)



23:31 May 03 2011
Times Read: 1,879

What the fuck do I do now?



23:52 May 03 2011

Shoot it or run away o-0

16:13 May 04 2011

I dunno (but I love the rating stamp you left on my page! LOL)

Hope whatever it was you can sort :P


sorry peeps

03:33 May 03 2011
Times Read: 1,889

I'm not feeling very social right now.

I'm attempting to allow the celexa to build back up in my system.





05:30 May 02 2011
Times Read: 1,903



06:55 May 01 2011
Times Read: 1,632

You're butting heads with the wrong ram motherfucker.



07:35 May 01 2011

It's sexy when you get so feisty. ;)

15:10 May 01 2011

And you have a way with words ....... ;)

16:36 May 01 2011

There is a correct ram to butt heads with? o.O

00:08 May 02 2011

Hahaha ♥ thanks ladies.

And I'm sure there's an Aries out there who's a pussy Requiem, but when I stand my ground on something and someone wants to have a shoving match, they're in for a hell of a head butting contest.


01:24 May 01 2011
Times Read: 1,342

Damn it. He's trying to convince me it's a true story. -.- He's going to ruin Alaska for me.



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